Art-Verge interview with Sophie Vallance

Art-verge interview with our collaboration artist Sophie Vallance
Thank you to the team for letting us post it.
This is only a preview of the interview.


Can you tell us about the process of making your work?

I stretch and prime my canvases before I have a clear idea for a work because when I work I work quick! Recently I’ve been starting with a base drawing in thin oil paint and then I just go straight in and paint. It’s a process of decision making, and I work wet on wet often mixing the colours in just one or two pots, turning one colour into the next if possible and I can often use just one brush for a whole work. Making a painting is like a dance between me and the canvas, and I have to be open to how it can change and evolve. 

How would you define your work in a few words (ideally in 3 words)?

One brush painter.

Would you use another three different words to describe the ‘Space Cleared For A Fight’ painting?

Dirty fish fights. 

How did you come up with this painting idea? Is there any story behind this painting?

I was reading ‘Tell Them I Said No’a collection of essays about artists who’ve either withdrawn from the art world or adopted an antagonistic position towards it. I circled the quote ‘Space cleared for a fight’from one of the essays and wanted to make a work based on it. I love the idea of taking a phrase and imagining what it could mean as an image. The quote resonated with me in a personal, metaphorical and artistic way, and it seemed fitting for it to be made into a painting because the process of making paintings is a conversation that can easily turn into a fight.

What colour is used the most in this painting?


Read the rest here


